Printing Slides and Handouts

Qus. 1 : Which of the following provides a printed copy of your presentation?

  1. Outline
  2. Speaker notes
  3. Audience handouts
  4. All of the above
Qus. 2 : Which Of The Following Is The Maximum Number Of Handouts On One Page?

  1. 4
  2. 6
  3. 8
  4. 9
Qus. 3 : Which option is used to insert the related hints of a slide?

  1. Note Master
  2. Presentation Master
  3. Slide Master
  4. Hint Master
Qus. 4 : Which of the following shortcut is used to print impress presentation?

  1. Ctrl+T
  2. Ctrl+E
  3. Ctrl+S
  4. Ctrl+P


Create a presentation consisting of 5 slides on Delhi Capital of India

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